- be accused of professional negligence resulting in death by improper use of medical equipment
業務上過失致死罪に問われる: be charged with professional negligence
血友病患者にhivに汚染された非加熱血液製剤を投与したとして業務上過失致死罪に問われる: be accused of professional negligence for allowing the use of unheated blood coagulum tainted with HIV for hemophiliac patients
業務上過失致死傷罪に問われる: be accused of causing deaths and bodily injury through professional negligence
業務上過失致死罪: professional negligence and involuntary manslaughter
業務上過失致死: 業務上過失致死 ぎょうむじょうかしつちし professional negligence resulting in death
業務上過失致死で: on charges of professional negligence resulting in the death
業務上過失致死傷: 1. death or bodily injury through negligence in the conduct of occupation / involuntary wounding and manslaughter through negligence 2. professional negligence 3. professional negligence causing inj
業務上過失致死の容疑: charge of manslaughter
業務上過失致死の疑いで: on suspicion of professional negligence resulting in death
業務上過失致死罪で執行猶予付き禁固_年の判決が下る: be sentenced to a suspended __-year prison term for professional negligence resulting in the death
業務上過失致傷: professional negligence resulting in injuries
業務上過失致死の疑いで事件を捜査する: investigate the case on suspicion of professional negligence resulting in death
過失致死罪で有罪とする: convict of manslaughter
交通事故に絡んだ業務上過失致死傷: criminal negligence related to traffic accidents
業務上過失致死容疑を受ける: face charges of manslaughter