医療請求(事務): medical billing〔患者や保険会社などへの〕
請求書: 請求書 せいきゅうしょ bill job invoice
審査請求書: 1. petition for novelty examination 2. written claim for examination
延滞請求書: delinquent bill
支払請求書: 1. account rendered 2. compte rendu 3. payment request / request for payment 4. written application for payment
更新請求書: renewal invoice
請求書作成: billing
請求書発送: billing
費用請求書: note of charges
購買請求書: 1. purchase requisition 2. purchase requisition card
送金請求書: remittance application / application for remittance
運賃請求書: 1. freight bill 2. freight note
でも、今より多く払うようになるのはサラリーマンだけじゃないわ。私の医療請求も高くなるのよ。: But workers aren't the only ones who are paying more. My medical bills will be going up, too.
カード請求書: credit-card statement
保険料請求書: premium bill