- begin in the late afternoon and continue all night
夜通し続ける: continue through the night
午後遅く: 1. in (the) late afternoon 2. late in the afternoon
夜通し歩き続ける: 夜通し歩き続ける v. go on through the night (見出しへ戻る headword ? 夜通し)
夜通し眠り続ける: sleep the night through
夜通し続く: 1. drag on through the night 2. last through the night
昨日の午後遅くに: late yesterday afternoon [in the afternoon yesterday]
生存者を求めて夜通し~の捜索をする: search into the night for survivor in
夜通し看病を続ける: hold (a) vigil
夜通し見張りを続ける: 1. hold (a) vigil 2. maintain a vigil
(早く始めて)~に水をあける: get a jump on
神社で夜通し神楽を舞い続ける: perform kagura dance and music numbers all through the night at shrine
し続ける: continue to〔行動?習慣などを〕
夕方または午後遅くにとる軽食: high tea〈英〉〔19世紀の英の労働者の立ち食い、軽い夕食から。紅茶と、英ミートパイ(Cornish pasty)、英チーズ(Welsh rabbit)、英アンチョビ卵トースト(Scotch woodcock)、パン(bun)、煎餅(crumpet)などの〕
停滞し続ける: continue to stagnate
前進し続ける: 1. keep going 2. keep moving forward 3. keep on 4. never look back