個別原価計算制度: production order system
実績原価計算制度: historical cost accounting system
実際原価計算制度: actual cost accounting system
標準原価計算制度: standard-cost system
統一原価計算制度: 1. uniform cost accounting system 2. uniform cost plan [system]
見積原価計算制度: estimated cost accounting system
当座標準原価計算制: current standard cost system
原価計算: 原価計算 げんかけいさん cost accounting
原価計算係: 1. cost accountant [keeper] 2. cost clerk 3. cost computing clerk
原価計算書: cost accounts
原価計算法: 1. method of cost accounting 2. method of costing
原価計算点: costing point
原価計算表: 1. cost sheet 2. cost statement
総原価計算: total costing
予定原価計算: 1. estimated cost accounting 2. predetermined costing