thank someone for his letter and his congratulations〔人から〕
~に昇進したことに対しお祝いの言葉を述べる: congratulate someone on the ascension to〔人が〕 お祝いの言葉を述べる: offer congratulations to〔人に〕 _月_日に(人)からファクスで送られた手紙に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his faxed letter of の用命に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for giving the opportunity to serve〔人から〕 心からのお祝いの言葉を述べる: extend one's heartfelt congratulations to〔人に〕 ~のことでお祝いの言葉を述べる: congratulate someone about〔人に〕 祝いの言葉を述べる 1: 1. make [deliver, give] a congratulatory speech 2. offer some words of congratulation 祝いの言葉を述べる 2 convey one's congratulation to〔~にお〕 の好意と理解に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his courtesies and understanding〔人から〕 送ってくれた(人)の配慮に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his thoughtfulness in sending〔~を〕 大きな業績に対しお祝いを述べる: offer congratulations for the great achievements of〔人の〕 著書の上梓に対し(人)にお祝いを述べる: congratulate someone on the publication of his book ~に対し心からのお祝いを述べる: offer someone one's warmest [very sincere] congratulations for〔人の〕 ~に昇進したことに対しお祝いを述べる: congratulate someone on the ascension to〔人が〕 本件解決に向けての(人)の努力に対し礼を述べる: thank someone for his efforts in resolving the matter 心から祝いの言葉を述べる: express one's heartfelt congratulations on〔~に〕