式を簡略化するために同類項をまとめる: combine like terms to simplify an expression
同類項をまとめて式を簡単にする: combine like terms to simplify an expression
紙をまとめる: put papers together
話をまとめる: bring about an agreement
同類項: 同類項 どうるいこう like terms similar terms same kind same class
すべてをまとめる: pull everything together
その話をまとめる: settle that matter
の契約をまとめる: forge a deal that〔that以下〕
データをまとめる: 1. arrange data 2. put data in order
予算案をまとめる: put together budget
交渉をまとめる: 1. bring the negotiations to a conclusion 2. finalize negotiations 3. go through a negotiation
企画書をまとめる: put together a report on the plan
停戦をまとめる: work out a cease-fire
取引をまとめる 1: 1. close [clinch] a deal 2. finalize a deal 3. orchestrate the operation 取引をまとめる 2 1. arrange a deal with 2. strike a deal (with)〔~と〕 取引をまとめる 3 bargain with someone about a transaction〔人と〕
商取引をまとめる: close a business deal