- physician in ordinary to the sovereign
女王の侍医: physician in ordinary to the Queen
王の侍医: 1. physician in ordinary to the King 2. surgeon in ordinary to the King
陛下の侍医: physician in ordinary to His Majesty
君主の: 【形】 1. monarchal 2. monarchial 3. monarchical 4. regalian
君主の地位: lordship
君主の大権: royal prerogative
大君主の地位: overlordship
大君主の身分: overlordship
侍医: 侍医 じい court physician
君主のような壮麗さ: regal splendor
理想的な君主の資質: qualities for an ideal monarch
君主: 君主 くんしゅ ruler monarch
主の: 主の primary[化学]; princeps[医生]
侍医長: Chief Court Physician
七人の侍: 【映画】 Seven Samurai〔日1954《監督》黒澤明《出演》三船敏郎、志村喬、稲葉義男、宮口精二、千秋実、加東大介、木村功◆Seven Samurais ではない〕