The next step is to be taken after careful preparation.
周到な用意をする: make thorough preparations 周到な用意: careful preparation 次の手段を取る: take the next step ほかの手段を取る: have recourse to an other way 別の手段を取る: have recourse to an other way 最後の手段を取る: go to the wall あらん限りの手段を取る: resort to every possible means 用意周到な 1: be fully prepared 用意周到な 2 【形】 1. circumspect 2. discreet〔discrete と間違わないこと〕 3. regardful 4. well-prepared 断固とした手段を取る: take decisive steps 手段を取る 1: 1. adopt a means 2. make a move 3. take measures 手段を取る 2 take measures to〔~するための〕 含めたあらゆる手段を取る: take all measures including〔~を〕 計画の用意周到な: wary in one's plan 10年もののパスポートを取るべきだよ。: I think you should get a 10-year passport. もっとまじめな態度を取るべきだ: You should behave [take things] more seriously. 人は皆、自分のものだけを取るべきだ。: Every man should take his own.