- give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸が停止している(人)に人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸が停止しているときは人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
呼吸が止まっている(人)に人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸が停止しているときは人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
呼吸していない(人)に人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸が止まっている(人)に人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸が止まっているときは人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
呼吸していない(人)に人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing to someone whose breathing has stopped
呼吸していないときは人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
呼吸が止まっているときは人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
呼吸していないときは人工呼吸をする: give rescue breathing if breathing has stopped
_秒に_回の割合で人工呼吸を行う: give rescue breathing at rate of __ breath every __ seconds
人工呼吸を受けている状態である: be on an artificial respiration system
人工呼吸をする: 1. give artificial respiration 2. give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 3. give the kiss of life to 4. perform a kiss of life 5. practice artificial respiration on 6. provide mouth-to-mouth rescue breat
人工呼吸を施す: 1. give artificial respiration 2. give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 3. give the kiss of life to 4. practice artificial respiration on 5. try artificial respiration on