the terms of the settlement is divestiture of 51 percent of company stock . 和解の条件は 佃製作所の株式
as a gesture of reconciliation 和解の条件として
in 1628 , he appealed a withdrawal of hokokamae through the mediator tenkai , however , he did not agree to the unilateral conditions proposed by todo clan and the negotiation was broken off after he expressed his complaint and discontent toward takatora . 寛永5年(1628年)には天海を仲裁役にして奉公構の解除を願ったが、藤堂家から出された一方的な和解の条件に承知せず、逆に高虎への不平不満を申し立てたため、交渉は決裂した。
和解の: 【形】 1. conciliatory 2. reconciliatory 和解の機会: opportunity for reconciliation 和解の試み: an attempt at peacemaking 和解の象徴: olive branch 和解の捧げ物: peace-offering 和解の見通し: prospects for reconciliation 和解の意思を示す: hold out an olive branch 1階の条件: first-order condition《数学》 2階の条件: second-order condition《数学》 sqlの条件文: SQL conditional statement この条件で: 1. on [with] this understanding 2. on this condition その条件: terms thereof 一定の条件: specific conditions 上記の条件: the terms outlined above 両立の条件: 1. condition of compatibility〔condition(条件)は通例、複数形の conditions を用いる〕 2. equation of compatibility