- kneel in an attitude of supplication
ひざまずく: ひざまずく 跪く to kneel
ひざまずく 1: 1. drop the knee 2. fall on one's knees 3. get down 4. get down on bended knee 5. get down on one's knees 6. go down on [upon] one's dukes 7. go down to one's knees 8. go on [to] one's knees 9. knee
ひざまずく人: kneeler
ベッドの傍らでひざまずく: kneel beside a bed
感謝の面持ちでひざまずく: kneel appreciatively
ひざまずくこと: kneel
傍らにひざまずく: kneel at the side of〔~の〕
前にひざまずく 1: kneel to〔~の〕 前にひざまずく 2 kneel in front of〔人の〕
床にひざまずく: kneel on the floor
従順にひざまずく: kneel submissively
急にひざまずく: clink down
脇にひざまずく: kneel at the side of〔~の〕
ひざまずいて哀願する: drop the knee
がっくりとひざまずく: sag to one's knees
がっくりひざまずく: flop down on one's knees