唯そこへ行きさえすれば良い ただそこへいきさえすればよい have (need) only to go there
ただそこへいきさえすればよい: ただそこへいきさえすればよい 唯そこへ行きさえすれば良い have (need) only to go there でありさえすれば良い: All that's required is that〔that以下〕 ~さえすれば: as long as を頭に置いておきさえすればよい: have only to keep in mind that〔that以下〕 aさえすればbになる: all you have to do is A and B 取りさえすれば: for the taking〔手に〕 納得さえすれば: if there's reason ただ~しさえすればよい: 1. all one has to do is do 2. have only to 3. need only do でありさえすれば済む: All that's required is that〔that以下〕 一旦承知しさえすれば: 1. if once someone's consents 2. when once someone's consents〔人が〕 ~しさえすればよい 1: just have to ~しさえすればよい 2 all someone has to do is〔人は〕 ~してくれさえすればいい: All one asks of someone is to〔人が〕 ~すればよい。/~すれば足りる。/~しさえすれば十分だ。: It is only necessary to いいえ。そこへ行きたいんです。: No. I want to go there. _%も成長すれば良い方である: do well to expand by __%