相手の交換条件をのむ: go along with one's conditions for the deal
交換条件: 交換条件 こうかんじょうけん bargaining point
交換条件 1: 1. bargaining point 2. change condition 3. exchange conditions 4. quid pro quo conditions 5. terms of exchange 交換条件 2 trade-off〔より望ましいものとの〕
交換条件の: 【形】 au pair〈フランス語〉
交換条件として: in return for [to]〔~の〕
部品の交換: replacement of part
不用品の交換所: swap shop
転換条件: conversion conditions
患者後送用品の交換: property exchange
国境を越えた商品の交易: exchange of products beyond national boundaries
標準部品の使用は故障部品の交換を容易にする: The use of standard components facilitates replacement of failed parts.
aとbの交換: trade-off between
人質の交換: exchange of hostages
債務の交換: debt swap
和の交換則: commutative [order] property of addition