some of the firearms that bear the name " kunitomo " are believed to have been made by gunsmiths who were not born in kunitomo village but learned gunsmithing skills in the village , or called by the name simply to increase their commercial value . それに、国友出身でない銃工が国友で修行して「国友」を名乗る例や商品価値を高めるための「国友」銘もあるといわれる。
製品の商品価値を高める: enhance the marketability of a product 価値を高める: 価値を高める v. improve |他|(耕作?増設などにより)(土地?建物など)の価値[生産性]を高める∥ They improved the land by planting trees. 植樹で土地の価値を高めた (見出しへ戻る headword ? 価値) 価値を高める 1: enhance the value 価値を高める 2 【自動】 upgrade 価値を高める 3 1. add value (to) 2. enhance the worth of 3. enrich the value of 4. heighten the value of 5. improve the value of 6. reinforce the value of〔~の〕 価値を高める〔~の〕: 【他動】 upvalue 価値を高めること: enrichment 市場価値を高める: improve market value 株の価値を高める: boost the value of stocks 商品価値を下げる: reduce the commercial value of〔~の〕 商品価値を示す: describe the marketability of〔~の〕 商品価値を表す: describe the marketability of〔~の〕 高める〔価値を〕: 【他動】 improve 不動産価値を高める: increase the value of real estate 企業の価値を高める: increase the value of the company 価値を高めるための装置: upgrade 信用供与の価値を高める: increase the value of credit instruments