- people who engage in trade
商売を営む: 1. ply a trade 2. work at a trade
堅実な商売を営む: do a healthy trade
手広く商売を営む: be in business on a large scale
共同生活を営む人: cohabiter
事業を営む: 1. engage in business 2. run a business
副業を営む: take a second job
医業を営む: 1. practice medicine 2. practise medicine
商業を営む: carry on trade
工場を営む: operate a factory
正業を営む: make an honest living
漁業を営む: be engaged in fishery
生計を営む: eke out a living
葬式を営む: 1. hold a funeral 2. perform a funeral service
農業を営む: work the earth
~業を営む: follow the business of