その商店街を歩いて通り抜ける: walk through the street lined with shops 通り抜けて: 【副】 through レジを通り抜ける: pass through the checkout stand 廊下を通り抜ける: pass through a hallway 戸口を通り抜ける: pass through the doorway 村を通り抜ける: pass through a village 森を通り抜ける道: a cut through a forest 町を通り抜ける: pass through a town 税関を通り抜ける: pass through the customs 部屋を通り抜ける: cut through a room 門を通り抜ける: 1. go through the gate 2. pass through a gate 3. walk through the gate 通行車の間を通り抜けて進む: cut across the traffic〔車で〕 雲を通り抜けて海面温度を検知する: detect sea surface temperatures through clouds この道を真っすぐ行って駅に出る: go straight this way and reach at the station 通り抜けて〔~を〕 1: 【接頭】 per-〔perfume、pervade など〕 通り抜けて〔~を〕 2 【前】 through