- answer a question rightly
正しく答える: 1. answer right 2. get an answer right 3. have the correct answer
激しく答える: come back
問題に答える: answer a question〔 【語法】 目的語に problem をとるのは極めてまれ〕
短く答える: 1. reply briefly 2. reply tersely
冷たく答える: reply coldly
素早く答える: 1. answer quickly 2. answer up
問題に全部答える: floor the paper
国民に正しく伝える: correctly inform the public of〔~について〕
すげなく答える: answer coldly
よどみなく答える: readily respond
元気なく答える: answer without spirit
元気よく答える: 1. answer with spirit 2. give a spirited reply 3. reply with spirit
如才なく答える: reply diplomatically
意地悪く答える: answer maliciously
用心深く答える: 1. answer prudently 2. reply cautiously