She seems to have left that aspect of the issue out of consideration .
その問題を度外視する: leave the problem out of consideration 成功を度外視して: with no view of success 成否を度外視して: regardless of the issue 採算を度外視して: 採算を度外視して adv. regardless of profit (見出しへ戻る headword ? 度外視) 報酬を度外視して時間と労力をかける: give of one's time and energy without thought of financial reward 報酬を度外視して時間と労力を割く: give of one's time and energy without thought of financial reward 報酬を度外視して時間と労力を費やす: give of one's time and energy without thought of financial reward 提案を度外視する: leave someone's proposal out of consideration〔人の〕 報酬を度外視して時間と労力を注ぎ込む: give of one's time and energy without thought of financial reward 可能性を度外視する: rule out the capability of〔~の〕 自分のことを度外視する: sink oneself 自分の利益を度外視する: sink oneself 問題のその段階: that phase of the subject 度外視して考えるならば: when ~ alone is isolated〔~を〕 度外視: 度外視 どがいし taking no account of neglecting