- beat one's brains for the solution to a problem
問題の解決を図る: find solutions to problems
問題の解決を遅らせる: delay solving the problem
問題の解決: 1. resolution of a question 2. resolution of an issue 3. settlement of the issue 4. solution of a problem
問題の所在を絞る: define the problem
調停をはかろうとする態度: conciliatory attitude
問題の解決法: 1. solution for the problem 2. solution to a problem ~問題の解決法 solution to the issue of
~問題の解決法: solution to the issue of 問題の解決法 1. solution for the problem 2. solution to a problem
頭を絞る 1: 1. beat one's brains (out) 2. cudgel one's brains (out) 3. tax one's brain 頭を絞る 2 【自動】 mull〈米話〉 頭を絞る 3 【他動】 mull〈米話〉
各種問題の解決を確かなものとする: make resolution of various issues certain
巨額の債務問題の解決を先送りにする: leave the problem of the huge debt to be resolved in the future
拉致問題の解決を模索する: seek the resolution of the abduction issue
道路交通問題の解決を図る: engineer a solution against road transportation problems
対して調停をはかろうとする立場を表明する: express a conciliatory attitude about〔~に〕
2000年問題の解決策: Y2K solutions
人口問題の解決: solution of the population issue