危険を巧みに避ける: dodge danger 困難を巧みに避ける: beg the question 論点を巧みに避ける: beg the question 問題を引き起こす可能性がある対立を巧みに回避する: sidestep the confrontations that could cause problems 問題を避ける: 1. avoid [sidestep] the issue 2. avoid problems 3. avoid trouble 4. get away from the problem 5. hedge round a problem 6. skirt the issue 7. steer clear 8. walk around a problem 巧みに問題を解決する: finesse the issue 巧みに質問を避ける: dodge a question 心理を巧みにつく: feed off the psychology of〔人の〕 機械を巧みに扱う: manipulate a machine 道具を巧みに扱う: manipulate a tool skillfully あめとむちを巧みに使い分ける: carrot-and-stick gimmick 宗教問題を避ける: keep off the religious issue 真の問題を避ける: avoid the real issue スイングを巧みに奏する: swing like a (rusty) gate テレビを巧みに操る奇才: made-for-TV phenomenon