- suspend children with behavioral problems from school
心停止を起こす: suffer cardiac arrest
呼吸停止を起こす薬: drug that stops respiration
よく問題を起こす: often cause trouble
問題を起こす 1: 1. cause [make] trouble 2. cause difficulties 3. cause problems 4. get held up〈英〉 5. get hung up〈米〉 6. get into any trouble 7. get one's cord cut 8. give rise to public discussion 9. stir up trouble
問題を起こす人: 1. troublemaker 2. wave-maker〈米俗〉
問題を起こす生徒: 1. problem student 2. troublemaking student
出席停止: 1. out-of-school suspension〔ISS よりさらに厳しい処分◆ 【略】 OSS〕 2. suspension of attendance
とかく問題を起こす: full of the old-man's
よく問題を起こす人: bad news
大変厄介な問題を起こす: get oneself in bad trouble for〔~で〕
大変面倒な問題を起こす: get oneself in bad trouble for〔~で〕
得意先と問題を起こす: be in Dutch with the clients
規律上の問題を起こす: cause disciplinary problems
毎朝子どもを起こす: wake one's child up every morning
一定期間の議会への出席停止: suspension from the assembly for a certain period