- fortify the basic stance of the international community toward the resolution of the issue
国際社会の決意を固める: solidify the resolve of the international community
包括的交渉に向けての基礎を固める: lay the groundwork for comprehensive negotiations
政権の基本姿勢を表す: set the tone of one's administration
基本姿勢を保つ 1: maintain the basic position of〔~という〕 基本姿勢を保つ 2 keep the basic attitude of〔~の〕
自らの基本姿勢を示すこと: personal stamp
外交の基本姿勢: basic posture on diplomacy
問題解決に向けての科学的手法: scientific method of solving problem
国際社会の問題: issue for the international community
社会の基本的問題点を解決する: solve basic problems of society
向けて結束する国際社会の協調行動: cooperative action jointly undertaken by the international community to〔~に〕
態勢を固める: strengthen someone's hand〔人の〕
問題解決への積極的な姿勢: proactive stance in resolving issues
~問題解決への貢献: contribution to the solution of the problem of
社会の基本的な姿勢: basic stance of society
問題に関して国際社会の団結を強める: enhance the solidarity of the international community over the issue of〔~の〕