1. men of good will 2. people of good will 3. well-intentioned people
that wellintentioned people like myself don't even realize that we're part of it . 私を含め 善意の人々すら自分達が その一端を担っているのだと気付かない事なのです
that wellintentioned people like myself don't even realize that we're part of it . 私を含め 善意の人々すら自分達が その一端を担っているのだと気付かない事なのです
although his disease worsened further , ogurihangan was guided by yugyo shonin and supported by the kindness of the princess terute and many benevolent people and managed to make a pilgrimage to kumano sanzan , where he completely recovered due to the medicinal effects of ' tsubo-yu ' of yunomine-onsen hot spring , which was a cleansing place for pilgrimages to kumano sanzan , and this time he was offered a territory in hitachi province and even given a title of hangan (judge ). 病はさらに重くなるが、遊行上人の導きと照手姫や多くの善意の人々の情を受けて熊野に詣で、熊野詣の湯垢離場である湯の峰温泉の「つぼ湯」の薬効のにより全快し新たに、常陸国の領地を与えられ、さらに判官の地位まで授けられる。
善意の人: 1. good fellow 2. person of good will 3. person of goodwill 善意の: 【形】 1. bona fide 2. sweet 3. well-intentioned 4. white〈俗〉 善意ある普通の人々: well-meaning regular folks 善意の伝搬: wave of good will 善意の原則: principle of charity 善意の取引: bona fide transaction 善意の叱責: well-intentioned scolding 善意の報酬: reward of good will 善意の契約: bona fide contracts 善意の寄付: goodwill donation 善意の心: mind of good will 善意の意図: bona fide intent 善意の手紙: letter of good will 善意の時代: era of good will 善意の波: wave of good will