- reduce the percentage of the population that smokes
比率を下げる: 1. reduce the percentage of 2. reduce the proportion of 3. reduce the ratio of〔~の〕
人口比率: population ratio
利率を下げる: push down interest rates
依存人口比率: dependency ratio
従属人口比率: dependent population ratio
再発率を下げる: reduce the relapse rate of〔~の〕
出生率を下げる: lower the birthrate
基本率を下げる: lower the basic rates of〔~の〕
失業率を下げる: 1. bring down the rate of unemployment 2. bring down unemployment 3. get unemployment down 4. reduce the jobless rate 5. reduce the unemployment rate 6. reduce unemployment
支持率を下げる: hurt one's popularity〔人の〕
税率を下げる〔~の〕: 【他動】 derate
稼働率を下げる: cut operating rates
農業効率を下げる: diminish agricultural efficiency
組入比率を引き下げる: reduce holding ratio
労働力人口比率: proportion of the laboring population