喫煙の習慣: regular smoking 喫煙の習慣を断つ: break one's habit of smoking 喫煙の習慣が身に付いたのは何歳の頃ですか。: How old were you when you started smoking regularly? 喫煙の習慣を克服する: overcome the habit of smoking 喫煙の習慣を断ち切る: overcome the habit of smoking 思いが抜けない: can't get rid of the feeling that it may possibly be〔~かもしれないという〕 喫煙の習慣を非合法化する: outlaw the habit of smoking 教会に行く習慣がない人: a poor churchgoer 礼拝に行く習慣がない人: a poor churchgoer 貯金の習慣がつく: form the habit of saving money 喫煙者の習慣: smokers' habits 早起きの習慣がある: make a practice of early rising 早起きの習慣がつく: 早起きの習慣がつく v. develop the habit of getting up early (見出しへ戻る headword ? 早起き) 習慣から抜け出せない人: creature of habit ~という習慣がない。: It's not the custom to