喫煙は健康によくない: Smoking is bad for your health. 喫煙は健康に害を与える: Smoking does harm to (your) health. / Smoking harms (your) health. 喫煙は健康に有害である: Smoking is detrimental to your health. 喫煙は健康に害があるから絶対いけない。: Smoking is absolutely wrong because it's harmful to human health. 喫煙は健康を害する。: Smoking is harmful to your health. 危険なもの: risk 健康に危険である: 1. be a risk to health 2. be dangerous to health 3. be hazardous to health 10人のうち8人が喫煙は健康に害を及ぼすと思っている: Eight out of ten believes that smoking is hazarsous. ~は(人)にとって危険なものだと非難する: proclaim that ~ is dangerous to 化学薬品の中には非常に危険なものもある: Some chemicals are very dangerous. 実に危険な: 1. downright dangerous 2. downright vicious 健康に不可欠なもの: essential part of one's health 人間の健康に危険をもたらす: cause a hazard to human health 大食は健康に悪い: Overeating is bad for health 運動は健康に良い: Exercise is beneficial to your health.