たばこを吸っている人のそばに行かない: stay away from those who do smoke 私のそばに食べ物を置かないで: Take the food away from me. ~のそばに 1: 1. alongside of 2. aside of 3. by one's [its] side 4. by the side of 5. on the side of ~のそばに 2 【接頭】 para-〔parallel など〕 ~のそばに 3 【前】 1. beside 2. by〔near よりも近い〕 のそばに立つ: get up against ~のそばにある: lie by ~のそばにいる: 1. dangle about 2. lie by 3. stay by 喫煙者の急増: rapid increase of smokers 喫煙者の権利: smoker's rights 喫煙者の習慣: smokers' habits 喫煙者に近づかない: stay away from those who do smoke 紙やカーテンなど発火するものは電化製品のそばに置かない: Keep combustibles such as paper or drapes clear out of the appliance. 海のそばにある町: town beside the sea 海のそばに住む: live by the sea 火のそばに座る: 1. sit at the fire 2. sit near the fire ~のそばにとどまる: stay by