人前でたばこを吸う: have fag in open 人込みでたばこを吸う: smoke in the middle of the crowd 内緒でたばこを吸う: smoke in secret 周りでたばこを吸う: smoke around〔人の〕 妊婦の前でたばこを吸う: smoke in front of a pregnant woman 屋内でたばこを吸う人: smoker in a closed environment 屋外でたばこを吸う人: outside smokers 建物内でたばこを吸う: 【動】 smoke in a building 窓の外でたばこを吸う: have a fag out of the window 習慣でたばこを吸う: smoke from habit 職場でたばこを吸う: smoke at work かぎたばこを吸う: take snuff たばこを吸う 1: 1. cop a drag 2. draw on a cigarette 3. have a cigarette 4. have a fag 5. smoke a stog 6. take a drag 7. take a puff 8. use tobacco たばこを吸う 2 【自動】 smoke たばこを吸う女性: woman smoker 喫煙しない人専用の席の近くでたばこを吸うとは腹立たしい: Smoking near the seats exclusively for nonsmokers is annoying.