私たちは近くの喫茶店で雨宿りをした: We took cover from the rain in a nearby cafe. 駅で雨宿りをする: take shelter in the station カフェで雨宿りをする: shelter from the rain in a cafe 軒下で雨宿りをする: take shelter from rain under an awning 雨宿りをする: take shelter from rain 戸口で雨宿りする: take shelter in a doorway にわか雨にあって雨宿りをする: find shelter from a sudden shower 宿りをする: take shelter 友人と喫茶店で待ち合わせをする: meet one of one's friends at the coffee shop 喫茶店で雨が上がるのを待つ: shelter from the rain in a cafe 雨宿りする: 1. hide from the rain 2. seek shelter from rain 3. shelter from the rain 4. take cover from a shower 古い垣根の下で雨宿りをできるのは有難い。: It is good sheltering under an old hedge. 雨宿り: 雨宿り あまやどり taking shelter from rain 喫茶店で(人)と会って雑談する: meet someone at a coffee shop to have a chat 友達と喫茶店で会った。: I met a friend at a coffee shop.