定年を迎える: reach mandatory retirement age 新年を迎える: 1. bring in the new year 2. greet the new year 3. see the new year in 4. welcome the New Year 晩年を迎える: enter the sunset of one's life その祭は、来年で20周年を迎える。: Next year is the 20th anniversary of the festival. その組織は、来年30周年を迎える。: The organization will have its 30th anniversary next year. 定年を迎える日: last day of work 新たな年を迎える: embark on a new year 誕生_年を迎える: reach one's __th birthday _周年を迎える: mark its __th anniversary ~の1周年を迎える: commemorate first anniversary of ~以来丸_年を迎える: mark __ years since 店が営業を始めて何年も経った後: years after the shop began operation もうじき定年を迎える。: I'm coming up for retirement now. 一周年を迎えるまでに: before one reaches its first birthday〔~が〕 新しい一年を迎える: ring in the new year