- group endowment insurance
養老保険: 養老保険 ようろうほけん endowment insurance
普通養老保険: 1. common endowment insurance 2. ordinary endowment insurance
満期養老保険: matured endowment
養老保険抵当: endowment mortgage
養老保険証券: endowment policy
養老保険証書: endowment policy
一時払い養老保険: 1. payment in full endowment insurance 2. single premium endowment life insurance
一時払養老保険: Single Premium Endowment Insurance
修正養老保険契約: modified endowment
定期付き養老保険: 1. endowment insurance with periodic insurance 2. endowment insurance with term rider
一時払い養老保険の満期払戻金をカットする: limit lump-sum payouts on endowment policies at maturity
養老生命保険: endowment annuity insurance
養老: 養老 ようろう making provision for the elderly
団体保険: 団体保険 だんたいほけん group insurance
団体信用保険: group credit insurance