combined total of outstanding debt for both central and local governments
中央と地方を合わせた累積債務: cumulative debt of the central and local governments combined 調子を合わせた: 【形】 keyed 二つの考えを合わせた者: bi-conceptuals 米と豆を合わせた豆乳: rice and soy 国と地方の関係: relationship between the central and local governments 合わせた: 【形】 combined 民族集団ごとに照準を合わせた広告: ads aimed at different ethnic groups 焦点を合わせたケーススタディ: case study to focus on〔~に〕 焦点を合わせた効果的なテレビ広告: with effective TV ads focusing on〔~に〕 焦点を合わせた討議に参加する: participate [take part] in talks focusing on〔~に〕 環境に焦点を合わせた社会: society with a focus on environment 適切に未来に焦点を合わせた戦略: properly-focused strategy for the future _年と_年を合わせた押収量: amount seized during __ and __ combined 国と地方の税収比率: ratio of national to local tax revenues 国と地方の費用負担: cost burden between central and local government