- restore the nation's fiscal health
財政の健全さ: 1. fiscal health 2. fiscal soundness
健全さを回復する[]取り戻す: regain (one's) health
金融機関の健全性を取り戻す: rebuild the soundness of financial institutions
冷静さを取り戻す: 1. get it all together 2. get one's cool back 3. pull together oneself 4. recover one's composure 5. recover one's cool 6. recover one's self-possession 7. sort out
若さを取り戻す: recapture one's youth
謙虚さを取り戻す: regain one's sense of humility
無邪気さを取り戻す: return to innocence
自分らしさを取り戻す: get a sense of oneself
金融市場の健全さを保つ: preserve the health of financial markets
値を取り戻す: crawl back above $___ドルまで;《為替相場》
力を取り戻す: regain the ability to〔~する〕
金を取り戻す: take back one's money
財政的な健全さを保つ: stay fiscally fit
財政の健全を確保する: ensure financial well-being
患者の健康を取り戻すという目的で: for the purpose of improving the health of the patient