- lift one's measures to withhold for the time being the resumption of normalization talks
交渉を当面見合わせる: postpone negotiations
~との国交正常化交渉を再開する: restart normalization talks with
国交正常化交渉を早める: expedite normalization talks with〔~との〕
国交正常化交渉を行う: conduct [engage] normalization talks with〔~との〕
日朝国交正常化交渉を進展させる: promote negotiations to normalize Japan-North Korea relations
国交正常化交渉を再開する: resume normalization talks
国交正常化交渉を早期再開する: resume negotiations aimed at normalizing relations at an early date
国交正常化交渉を終了する: finalize the normalization talks
本格的な国交正常化交渉を再開する: resume full-fledged negotiations on normalizing diplomatic ties
国交正常化交渉 1: 1. diplomatic normalization negotiations 2. diplomatic normalization talks 3. negotiations toward normalizing diplomatic relations 4. normalization negotiation 5. normalization talks 6. talks on est
二国間の国交正常化交渉を再び軌道に乗せる: put normalization talks between the two countries back on track
当面見合わせる: 【他動】 postpone
国交正常化交渉を再開することに合意する: agree to resume talks on normalizing diplomatic relations
包括的な国交正常化交渉を行う: engage in comprehensive normalization talks
国交正常化交渉に応じる: accept negotiations for normalization of diplomatic relations