- register a negative real GDP growth rate of __%
国内総生産の実質成長率: growth rate of real GDP
国内総生産成長率: gross domestic product growth rate〔 【参考】 gross domestic product(国内総生産) ; gross national product(国民総生産)〕《経済》
日本の国内総生産の_%: __% of Japan's gross domestic product
実質国内総生産: 実質国内総生産 real gross domestic product
実質成長率: 1. actual rate of growth 2. growth rate in real terms 3. real growth rate 4. real rate growth 5. real rate of growth
国内総生産: 国内総生産 こくないそうせいさん Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
_年連続マイナス成長を示す: show negative growth in __ consecutive years
マイナス名目成長を示す: represent negative nominal growth
マイナスの成長率: 1. negative growth rate 2. negative rate of growth
国内総生産を_%上昇させる: raise gross domestic product by __%
財政赤字幅を国内総生産の_%以内に抑える: keep national budget deficits within __% of gross domestic products
月によってはマイナスの数字を示す: post minus figures in some months
年間実質成長率: 1. annual real growth rate 2. annual real rate of growth
四半期ベースの実質成長率: quarterly real growth rate
一人当たり国内総生産の伸び: gross domestic product growth per capita