関心をかき立てる: excite [stir up, fire up] someone's interest (in)〔~への〕〔人の〕
同情心をかき立てる: arouse compassionate feelings
好奇心をかき立てる 1: excite curiosity 好奇心をかき立てる 2 【形】 intriguing 好奇心をかき立てる 3 1. arouse someone's curiosity 2. excite [stir up] someone's curiosity 3. make someone curious 4. pique someone's curiosity 5. rouse someon
強い愛国心をかき立てる: stir up patriotic fervor
心をかき立てる音楽: rousing music
愛国心をかき立てる 1: 1. arouse patriotic feeling 2. stir nationalistic sentiment 3. wave the flag 愛国心をかき立てる 2 stir up someone's patriotic sentiments〔人の〕
競争心をかき立てる: set pulses racing
~への関心をかき立てる 1: make someone interested in〔人に〕 ~への関心をかき立てる 2 1. alert someone to 2. stir someone's interest in〔人の〕
関しての観衆の想像力をかき立てる: stir the imagination of the audience about〔~に〕
わずか_歳にしてすべての自尊心を失う: lose all one's pride when one is only __ years old
不和をかき立てる: 1. provoke dissension 2. stir up enmity
同情をかき立てる: excite someone's pity〔人の〕
心配をかき立てる: spark someone's concern〔人の〕
憎悪をかき立てる: arouse hatred
敵意をかき立てる: stimulate antagonism