- cause a profound change in the sense of value of peoples
重大な変化をもたらす: 1. bring profound change to 2. make a significant difference to〔~に〕
最も重大な変化をもたらす: bring about the most significant change in〔~に〕
労働市場構造に莫大な変化をもたらす: effect enormous changes in the structure of the labor market
前向きな変化をもたらす: make a positive change to〔~に〕
劇的な変化をもたらす: bring sweeping changes
大きな変化をもたらす: bring about major changes to〔~に〕
抜本的な変化をもたらす: produce fundamental shifts
質的な変化をもたらす: bring qualitative changes to〔~に〕
革命的な変化をもたらす: bring about a revolutionary change in〔~に〕
日本人の国民意識に大きな変化をもたらす: bring about a major change in the national consciousness of the Japanese people
変化をもたらす 1: 1. bring about a change 2. bring about a transformation 3. bring about changes 4. effect a change 5. effect an alteration 6. introduce changes 7. make a change 8. occasion a change 変化をもたらす 2 【形】
その地域に重大な被害をもたらす: cause crucial damage in the area
貿易に重大な歪曲をもたらす: create severe distortions in trade
その地域に大きな変化をもたらす: cause an upheaval in the region
人間社会に大きな変化をもたらす: significantly alter human society