- enhance mutual understanding through international exchanges
相互理解を深める: 1. deepen mutual understanding 2. get to know one another better 3. increase (the) mutual understanding 4. strengthen mutual understanding
~間の相互理解を深める: deepen the understanding between
二国間での対話を通じて相互理解を醸成する: foster mutual understanding through bilateral dialogues
文化交流を通じて国際理解をはぐくむ: foster global understanding through cultural exchange
相互交流を深める: strengthen mutual exchange
売り手と買い手の相互理解を深める: develop better mutual understanding between buyers and sellers
相互理解を深める上で有効に働く: work to deepen mutual understanding
相互文化交流を深める: strengthen bilateral cultural exchanges
理解を深める: 理解を深める りかいをふかめる to cultivate a better understanding
国際的な理解を深める: promote better understanding internationally
理解を通じて: through understanding of〔~についての〕
交流を深める 1: 1. boost exchanges 2. deepen exchanges 交流を深める 2 deepen exchange with〔~との〕
人的交流を深める: 1. cultivate personal exchanges 2. deepen the human interaction
文化交流を深める: cultivate cultural exchanges
経済交流を深める: 1. expand economic relations 2. increase one's economic exchanges