国際石油価格の低下: decrease in global oil prices 原油価格の下落: collapse in oil prices 世界市場における石油価格の下落: drop in world oil prices 最近の原油価格の下落: recent decline in oil prices 価格の下落: fall in value 石油価格の下落を食い止めるために生産削減を提案した: He proposed to reduce production to stem a slide in oil prices. さらなる原油価格の下落へとつながる: lead to a further decline in crude oil prices 原油価格の下落を回避する: avert a collapse in the price of oil 石油価格の上昇: oil price hike 石油価格の値上げ: fuel-price increases 石油価格の変動: oil-price movements 石油価格の急落: sharp plunge in the price of petroleum 国際市場における石油価格の低迷: weak oil prices on international markets 不動産価格の下落: 1. drop in the value of property 2. falling real estate prices 価格の下落傾向: downward price trend