- possess bombers as a means of resolving international conflicts
国際紛争解決の手段としての戦争を放棄する: renounce war as a means of settling international disputes
国際紛争解決手段としての武力の行使を禁じる: ban the use of force as a means of settling international conflicts
核爆弾を保有する: possess nuclear bombs
紛争解決の手続: procedures for resolution of disputes
紛争解決の手続き: procedures for the settlement of the dispute
国際紛争を解決する手段: 1. as means of settling international conflicts 2. means of settling international disputes
国家の紛争解決手段として軍事力を用いる: use military force as a means of settling national disputes
…の手段として使用する: use ~ as a way of〔~を〕
深刻な問題を解決するための最後の手段として: in a last attempt to resolve a serious problem
国際紛争を平和的手段によって解決する: settle one's international disputes by peaceful means
平和的手段を通じて国際紛争を解決する: resolve an international conflict through peaceful means
小説の手段として: as a tool for fiction
国際紛争を解決する: 1. resolve international conflicts 2. resolve international disputes 3. settle international conflicts [disputes] 4. solve international disputes
紛争解決の仕組み: dispute resolution mechanism
紛争解決の制度: dispute resolution mechanism