deepen one's understanding of issues that affect the global environment
…に影響を及ぼす~への理解を深める: develop an understanding of ~ affecting 環境に影響を与える: affect the environment 国民に影響を与える問題: problems affecting the public 子どもに関するさまざまな問題への理解を深める: deepen one's understanding of various issues related to children 地球環境および世界の人々の生活に影響を与える: affect the global environment and the lives of people around the world 一般市民に影響を与える問題: problems affecting the public 国際社会全体に影響を与える問題: issues affecting the international community as a whole 障害者に影響を与える問題: issues affecting people with disabilities ほかの文化への理解を深める: deepen the understanding of other cultures ビジネス実務への理解を深める: develop a good understanding of business practices 異なる文化への理解を深める: deepen understanding of different cultures 紛争予防への理解を深める: deepen the understanding of conflict prevention ~間の歴史的対立への理解を深める: develop a grasp of the historical confrontations between 影響を与える問題を扱う: address issues affecting〔~に〕 ~への理解を深めさせる: have someone develop a deeper understanding for〔人に〕