- That was the second trip that I had made to a place that was devastated by an earthquake.
戦争で荒廃した土地: war-torn land
戦争で荒廃した: 【形】 1. war-battered 2. war-torn 3. war-worn
戦争で荒廃した国: 1. country wasted by war 2. war-battered country 3. war-ravaged country 4. war-torn country
大きな地震が起きたのはその旅行中だった: It was while I was on the trip that the big shake occurred.
荒廃した: 【形】 1. devastated 2. dilapidated 3. run-down 4. shattered 5. waste 6. wiped-out
荒廃した国: 1. nation in shambles 2. tattered country 3. torn country
荒廃した寺: ruined temple
荒廃した村: shattered village
相撲の取り組みを見たのはそれが最初だった。: That was my first view of a sumo match.
内戦で荒廃した国土を再建する: rebuild a country ravaged by civil war
戦争で荒廃した国の復興を援助する: help rebuild war-torn country
戦争で荒廃した国を再建する: rebuild the war-ravaged country
戦争で荒廃した国を復興する: rebuild a war-battered country
貧困や武力紛争で荒廃した大陸: continent blighted by poverty and armed conflict
荒廃した地区: 1. blighted district 2. run-down neighborhood