cdを出す: cut a CD
ngを出す: 1. ruin a sequence 2. spoil a sequence
obを出す: drive [hit] (a ball [shot]) out of bounds《ゴルフ》
sosを出す: 1. issue SOS signals 2. send a distress signal
あごを出す: 1. get tired out 2. poop out
うみを出す: discharge pus
お湯を出す: turn on a hot tap〔洗面所で〕
お茶を出す: 1. offer someone a cup of tea 2. serve tea (to)〔人に〕
ごみを出す: 1. produce garbage 2. put out the garbage 3. take out the garbage 4. take out the trash
すすを出す: 【形】 sooty
に顔を出す: make the list of〔リスト?番付?名簿など〕
の表を出す: 【他動】 face
へそを出す: show one's belly button
ぼやを出す: slight fire breaks out
ぼろを出す: ぼろを出す ぼろをだす to reveal the faults