執行猶予を与える: suspend the prison term
刑を申し渡す 1: give sentence on [upon] 刑を申し渡す 2 pass sentence on [upon]〔~に〕 刑を申し渡す 3 1. deliver sentence on 2. give someone a sentence〔人に〕
無罪を申し渡す〔~に〕: 【他動】 absolve
評決を申し渡す: deliver a verdict
執行猶予を勝ち取る: win probation
執行猶予刑を言い渡す: hand down a suspended term
執行猶予: 執行猶予 しっこうゆうよ stay of execution suspended sentence
執行猶予で: on probation
執行猶予の: 【形】 suspended
厳しい懲役刑を申し渡す: hand stiff jail terms〔裁判所が〕
申し渡す: 申し渡す もうしわたす to tell to announce to declare to order
執行猶予期間: suspended term
執行猶予_年: suspension of __ years
死刑執行猶予: respite《法律》
2年間の執行猶予: two-year stay of execution