- cultured peripheral blood
末梢血: peripheral blood
末梢血単球: 1. peripheral blood monocyte 2. peripheral monocyte
末梢血流: peripheral blood flow
末梢血液像: peripheral blood picture
末梢血球数: peripheral blood cell count
末梢血管: 1. peripheral blood vessel 2. peripheral vessel
末梢血管床: peripheral vascular bed
末梢血管系: 1. peripheral vascular system 2. peripheral vasculature
末梢血単核球: peripheral mononuclear blood cell
末梢血幹細胞: peripheral stem cell
末梢血液中に: 1. in the peripheral blood 2. into the peripheral blood
末梢血液中の: in the peripheral bloodstream
末梢血液中へ: into the peripheral blood
末梢血液塗抹: peripheral smear
末梢血液細胞: peripheral blood cell