事柄に重点を置く: put emphasis on something
協力に重点を置く: put emphasis on cooperation with〔~との〕
提携に重点を置く: put emphasis on cooperation with〔~との〕
教育に重点を置く: put the accent on education
株価に重点を置く: weigh heavily on stock prices
達成に重点を置く: give importance to the attainment of〔~の〕
全体的な教育の改善に重点を置く: focus on general improvement in education
全般的な教育の改善に重点を置く: focus on general improvement in education
総合的な教育の改善に重点を置く: focus on general improvement in education
総括的な教育の改善に重点を置く: focus on general improvement in education
重点を置く: 1. attach importance to 2. center on 3. give importance (to) 4. give priority to 5. lay stress on 6. place a particular emphasis on 7. place an emphasis on 8. place importance on 9. place major emph
健康管理に重点を置く: concentrate on maintaining good health
国内政策に重点を置く: place importance on one's domestic agenda
当座の目標に重点を置く: focus on immediate goals
当座の目的に重点を置く: focus on immediate goals