- secure a basic understanding
関し明示的な合意を得る: gain clear consensus on〔~に〕
~間の一般的な合意を得る: achieve general agreement among
合意を得る 1: obtain consensus 合意を得る 2 gain the consent of〔~の〕 合意を得る 3 obtain someone's agreement〔人の〕
基本的な理解を得る 1: secure a basic understanding 基本的な理解を得る 2 win someone's basic understanding〔人の〕
一般の合意を得る: gain a public consensus
何とか合意を得る: wangle an agreement from〔~から〕
共通合意を得る: achieve a common agreement
地元の合意を得る: obtain local consent
省内の合意を得る: gain consensus within the ministry
公的な合意: official agreement
すべてを考慮に入れた上で(人)との基本的な合意に達する: reach a basic agreement with someone after taking everything into consideration
先進国間の合意を得る: secure consensus among developed countries
地域住民との合意を得る: obtain the consent of local residents
本文に関し合意を得る: agree on the text of〔~の〕
短期間に合意を得る: reach an agreement in a short period