- maintenance of basic law and order
秩序の維持: preservation of order
企業の秩序の維持: maintenance of order within business entity
信用秩序の維持: maintenance of orderly credit conditions
漁業秩序の維持: maintenance of order in the fishing industry
社会秩序の維持: 1. conservation of the social order 2. maintenance of order in society 3. maintenance of social order
基本的な生命の維持: basic survival
基本的な法的文書: fundamental legal document
職場の秩序の維持に努める: endeavor to maintain public order of the workplace
自然界の基本的な法則: fundamental laws of nature
法秩序: 法秩序 ほうちつじょ legal order
基本的な法律について検討を進める: advance the consideration on a basic law
基本的な法律事項を認識していない人: stranger to basic legal knowledge
憲法秩序: constitutional order
基本的な: 【形】 1. basal 2. basic 3. basilicus 4. cardinal 5. elemental 6. fundamental 7. meat-and-potatoes 8. net 9. nuts-and-bolts 10. organic 11. rudimentary 12. staple 基本的な~ "meat and potato" type
基本的な形: fundamental form