基本的な衛生管理の知識がある: know about the basic hygienic practices 事故の予防策: safeguard against accident 公害の予防策: preventive measures against pollution 流感の予防策: safeguard against the flu 病気の予防策: prevention against disease 無知である: know virtually nothing about〔~についてほとんど〕 衛生上の心配: health concern 衛生上の懸念: health concern 衛生上の規則: sanitary rules 感染の予防に無効である: be ineffective in preventing infection いかに無知であるかを(人)に思い知らせる: make someone feel how ignorant he is いかに無知であるかを(人)に悟らせる: make someone feel how ignorant he is 明らかに無知で: blatantly uninformed コレラの予防策: preventive against cholera 公衆衛生上の危険: public health risk