- fundamental perspective on〔~についての〕
人道的観点: 1. humanitarian aspects 2. humanitarian viewpoint
宗教的観点: religious perspective
技術的観点: 1. engineering perspective 2. technological aspect
歴史的観点: historical point of view
科学的観点: scientific view
経済的観点: 1. economic point of view 2. economic viewpoint
軍事的観点: military terms
道徳的観点: moral standpoint
長期的観点: long-term standpoint
光学的観測を行う基本的手段: primary means of making optical observations
世界的観点で: with an outward-looking perspective
人口学的観点: demographic points of view
巨視的観点で: from a macroscopic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
社会学的観点: sociological aspect
美的観点から: from an aesthetic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]